I raise
to days gone bye,
still wishing
they’ll get better,
but my hope
is fading fast.
So I’ll just
keep wishing
that one day
I can fly off to some
sun-soaked coast
between ocean
and palms,
and never, ever
come back.

I raise
to days gone bye,
still wishing
they’ll get better,
but my hope
is fading fast.
So I’ll just
keep wishing
that one day
I can fly off to some
sun-soaked coast
between ocean
and palms,
and never, ever
come back.
all I ever wanted
all I ever needed
all I ever asked for
was your love,
your time,
and your respect
what I really needed
(what I still need)
is to believe every word
that falls from the only lips
I want to kiss
for the rest of my life
I need that
I deserve that
I hope I get that
Inspired by the Writer’s Write October prompts | photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels
the pressure has always been high
in our imperfectly perfect relationship –
sometimes it felt like it would only take
the smallest little poke to make
this whole thing fall to pieces
but i feel your love in my artieries
pumping into my heart, and then out
farther – we would live forever
if we covered the whole world
with all the love that’s in our veins
Inspired by the Writer’s Write October prompts | photo edited by me in Canva
The plane ticket would be $347, one way
The bedroom would be small and uncomfortable
The significant other would be annoying
There may be the possibility of
encountering wild boar, again.
But I miss you
and (if I could)
I’d pay any price
to see your smile
to hear your laugh
and just be with you
doing absolutely nothing
just like those days we always used to love.
Inspired by the Writer’s Write October prompts | photo by me
I talk a lot about
not being willing
to set myself on fire
to keep another person warm
but I’ve never talked about
getting thrown in your ocean
and tossed around in the waves
pummeled with walls of water
you’re supposed to be transparent
but you hit like a brick wall
call the calvary,
I’m coming home anyway
Inspired by the Writer’s Write October prompts | Photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography
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