Tag: time

nothing is forever, not even close

“All I’ve ever wanted is to be a writer” is a sentence I’m sure I and many other writers have uttered throughout life, and it’s true but also not true.

There was a time in childhood when I watched the movie SpaceCamp over and over and over again and then was taken to the Smithsonian’s Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. where I doubled down on my dream.

I took home posters of the Milky Way and a Space Shuttle pointing at the sky, its bottom engulfed in the flames from the rockets about to take them away.

I Read the rest

every day will eventually end

When I met Bobby I had been single for a long time.

I hadn’t gone on a date in about four years, and I had lost all confidence in myself, both emotionally and physically.

Every once in a while, usually when we’re fighting, he brings up the fact that when we met, I was doing intense EMDR therapy to, as he says, “get over” my ex.

It’s not getting over my exes that is the problem – they’re all gone for a reason.

Getting over the way things had ended was the issue.

I was stunned by it; it was … Read the rest

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