Tag: RLC (Page 1 of 6)

nothing is forever, not even close

“All I’ve ever wanted is to be a writer” is a sentence I’m sure I and many other writers have uttered throughout life, and it’s true but also not true.

There was a time in childhood when I watched the movie SpaceCamp over and over and over again and then was taken to the Smithsonian’s Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. where I doubled down on my dream.

I took home posters of the Milky Way and a Space Shuttle pointing at the sky, its bottom engulfed in the flames from the rockets about to take them away.

I Read the rest

The best thing I’ve ever found

WordPress asks today:

The most important invention in your lifetime is…

and a shrill voice in my mind screams:

“Modern indoor plumbing!”

but then I considered, well, that wasn’t invented in my lifetime.

I am lucky enough to have been able to enjoy cleaning my butt with toilet paper and flushing it away my whole life, so that doesn’t count.

Well, the next answer was obvious to me:

The Internet.

I have a horrible memory.

I don’t remember core moments of my life like a normal person does.

I don’t remember the first time I ever got my period, I … Read the rest

every day will eventually end

When I met Bobby I had been single for a long time.

I hadn’t gone on a date in about four years, and I had lost all confidence in myself, both emotionally and physically.

Every once in a while, usually when we’re fighting, he brings up the fact that when we met, I was doing intense EMDR therapy to, as he says, “get over” my ex.

It’s not getting over my exes that is the problem – they’re all gone for a reason.

Getting over the way things had ended was the issue.

I was stunned by it; it was … Read the rest


No more traveling 
alone to New York City, 
or sad rides on trains. 
No more being the only 
unpartnered one on holidays, 
no more soul-aching 
single Christmas nights. 
No more tears, 
no more talking to myself. 
I have a sidekick 
for sightseeing now, 
and I never want to let him go.

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