Tag: relationships (Page 3 of 6)

self-pity serenade

This is not the club
I ever wanted to belong to.

I have nothing against
childless cat ladies; sometimes
I think they’re the lucky ones
if all they have to be
responsible for in life
is their feline friends.

I never wanted to be
in the single mom club
or the forever a fat girl club
or “the ones with serious daddy issues” club.

I didn’t sign up to be 
stuck living this life 
so afraid I’ll die
from the loneliness,
from the acute and
stinging lack of companionship.

Precious few humans
will be able to die saying
they got … Read the rest

a month later

When you wake up
in the morning, do you
jump right out of bed
now that you don’t
feel obligated to stay
a few minutes
just to hold me?

When you hop
down the stairs
and get your first
hot little cup of coffee,
are you still humming and
singing your morning song?

Do you keep yourself busy,
are you still always pacing
around in circles, especially
now that you’re in a home
you can walk circles around?

Have you spent much
time at home
since you left here?

Do you sleep under
your old roof with your
old wife … Read the rest

get your guard up

not now, but soon,
I’m going to want to
go looking for my
next victim love

not yet, but soon
I’ll start caring
about how I look
again, even though
I don’t want it to matter

soon I’ll try on that
look of the confident
but available woman
the “I don’t need you, but
you’re gonna hope I want you
sort of look

and I’ll strut around
considering all of you
wondering specifically
how exactly will you hurt me?

what will you do that
will eventually break my heart?

one day, one day
maybe even soon,
I’ll be … Read the rest

“Your picket fence was sharp as knives…”

we didn’t plan on 
constant conversation
that never came 
to an end 

until now

and I don’t
know about you

but I planned
on loving you
for the rest
of our lives 

too bad i
didn’t look
far enough ahead
to see that even if
we tore down
the fences

the walls
will remain
too long
for us
to have forever

this isn’t
what I expected
for us
and I must
apologize if you
feel I ever tried
to lead you astray

I swear I would
have loved you
until your last day

Inspired by the Writer’s Write October prompts Read the rest

best in state

the first night
we spent in a hotel together
did not go as planned

the room was not
the one we pictured and dreamed of
the view was not as good as we’d hoped,
a music festival blared through
the closed windows

I was never able to shake
the nerves that gripped me
from the very start

you didn’t want to go out
you didn’t want to do anything

we just laid in bed together
and watched Ford vs. Ferrari
while I hoped you weren’t
thinking the whole time
what I know to be true in my soul

that I’d … Read the rest

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