Tag: love (Page 1 of 5)

perfect for me

If I think hard about it,
you are perfect.

You bring everything
to the table
and offer everything
that I want.

You are dependable.
No matter what, or when,
or with who, you always
provide the same comfort,
the same sweetness
that brings me peace.

You make me melt,
you make me feel addicted,
like I have to clutch you
in my hot, hot hands
to keep you mine
to keep you you
before you’re gone.

When you enter me
there is a shock of sweetness –
sugar, plain and simple.
But the longer you linger,
the more delicious you … Read the rest

The best thing I’ve ever found

WordPress asks today:

The most important invention in your lifetime is…

and a shrill voice in my mind screams:

“Modern indoor plumbing!”

but then I considered, well, that wasn’t invented in my lifetime.

I am lucky enough to have been able to enjoy cleaning my butt with toilet paper and flushing it away my whole life, so that doesn’t count.

Well, the next answer was obvious to me:

The Internet.

I have a horrible memory.

I don’t remember core moments of my life like a normal person does.

I don’t remember the first time I ever got my period, I … Read the rest


It’s been nearly 
five years 
and I’ve grown 
waiting for you, 
but you said 
the end is near, 
the delay
almost over, 
so in a few days 
I’ll be making room 
on a particular finger. 
I’ll be as ready 
as I’ve been 
for nearly five years. 
There’s nothing I want 
more than us.

Photo by JUDY ANN DAYOT on Unsplash

in our veins

the pressure has always been high
in our imperfectly perfect relationship –
sometimes it felt like it would only take
the smallest little poke to make
this whole thing fall to pieces

but i feel your love in my artieries
pumping into my heart, and then out
farther – we would live forever
if we covered the whole world
with all the love that’s in our veins

Inspired by the Writer’s Write October prompts | photo edited by me in Canva

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