Tag: love (Page 1 of 4)

I wish you wouldn’t hurt me

I should be able
to stand behind you,
feeling your strength
as you defend us til death

I should be able
to fall to pieces and
feel nothing but the comfort
of the promise that you’ll stay

Instead, I cower and wonder
what fresh hell
you’ll bring to me next,
packaged up with
a tag that says “love”

Instead, I cower
and wonder
what’s next?

I cower and wish
I could make myself
so small I disappear
so you don’t have the chance
to hurt me anymore

Inspired by the Writer’s Write October prompts | Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano

i’ll never stop missing you

I didn’t want
to wake up today

It’s not that
I wanted to die, but
I just wish I could
skip this day
every year 

I’ll fight every hour
many times over
to stop myself
from imagining
one of the worst
things imaginable 

My grandfather
who I loved more
than I will love
any other man
in my whole life

Died alone
in a hospital
in 2020 when
no one was allowed
to be with him

How could
the greatest man
who ever lived
have such a sad
undignified death?

I hope he knew
how much I loved him
how much I’ll always love him
how I’ll compare
every man I meet
to see if they even
come close
to meeting
the standard he set

I would give
years of my life
for just one more
day with him
for one more
bear hug that
almost hurts
for hearing him
call me
one more time

It would be worth it
to feel that loved
by someone again

Inspired by the Writer’s Write October prompts | Photo by Wedding Dreamz

This is my internet home so I’ll rant and preach when I want to:


My grandfather died of COVID-19 before we had the privilege of a vaccine.

Believe in science, believe in doctors who went to medical school, and get yourself to believe that getting vaccinated is the right thing to do.

self-pity serenade

This is not the club
I ever wanted to belong to.

I have nothing against
childless cat ladies; sometimes
I think they’re the lucky ones
if all they have to be
responsible for in life
is their feline friends.

I never wanted to be
in the single mom club
or the forever a fat girl club
or “the ones with serious daddy issues” club.

I didn’t sign up to be 
stuck living this life 
so afraid I’ll die
from the loneliness,
from the acute and
stinging lack of companionship.

Precious few humans
will be able to die saying
they got all they want in life
and I know I won’t
be one of them, but

Poor choices shouldn’t
punish me forever.
I don’t need everything,
I just need someone’s
hand to hold – a hand
that wants to hold mine.

We never know what
we’re going to get and
we often do or don’t
get what we deserve, 
but oh, I have to keep hope.

I want a love that
doesn’t scare me and
a lover who won’t hurt me
and it’s brutal to know
with such deep certainty
how hard those two things are
to find in one person. 

Why can’t I be
in the club of people
who get the chance
to have that? 

Inspired by the Writer’s Write October prompts | Photo by cottonbro studio

a month later

When you wake up
in the morning, do you
jump right out of bed
now that you don’t
feel obligated to stay
a few minutes
just to hold me?

When you hop
down the stairs
and get your first
hot little cup of coffee,
are you still humming and
singing your morning song?

Do you keep yourself busy,
are you still always pacing
around in circles, especially
now that you’re in a home
you can walk circles around?

Have you spent much
time at home
since you left here?

Do you sleep under
your old roof with your
old wife and young girls
who never made you feel
as loved as I did?

Have you literally
already bled for them,
down on your hands and knees
hammering together
whatever parts
you can salvage
so you can say 
this is worth it


Do you wish you
had been better to me
so that I could have
given us the chance
I thought we both deserved?

Do you wish you
had put more faith in me,
that if you just told the truth
about the things that really mattered
we might have had a chance?

What do you regret the most?
Posting that photo on Twitter?
Answering me when I messaged you?
That first time you told me you loved me?
That first time we met and held hands and kissed?
That first time we laid down together and made love?

Or is it simply that being with me
meant you couldn’t be with them –
and that was too much
for you to sacrifice?

If I never hear from you again
I’ll certainly believe the latter,
but no matter when
it won’t matter.

I wonder what
our life could have
looked like if we
had been smarter,
but then, if we were smarter,
we wouldn’t be here
would we?

My heart is broken
and I will be filled
with guilt and regret
for as long as I live.

You shattered me.

But I robbed you
of your entire life.

I need you to forgive me
but I don’t think I can be forgiven.

Inspired by the Writer’s Write October prompts | Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels

“Your picket fence was sharp as knives…”

we didn’t plan on 
constant conversation
that never came 
to an end 

until now

and I don’t
know about you

but I planned
on loving you
for the rest
of our lives 

too bad i
didn’t look
far enough ahead
to see that even if
we tore down
the fences

the walls
will remain
too long
for us
to have forever

this isn’t
what I expected
for us
and I must
apologize if you
feel I ever tried
to lead you astray

I swear I would
have loved you
until your last day

Inspired by the Writer’s Write October prompts | Photo by Susanne Jutzeler.

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