Tag: love (Page 2 of 5)

I miss my friend

The plane ticket would be $347, one way
The bedroom would be small and uncomfortable
The significant other would be annoying
There may be the possibility of
encountering wild boar, again.

But I miss you
and (if I could)
I’d pay any price
to see your smile
to hear your laugh
and just be with you
doing absolutely nothing
just like those days we always used to love.

Inspired by the Writer’s Write October prompts | photo by me

I wish you wouldn’t hurt me

I should be able
to stand behind you,
feeling your strength
as you defend us til death

I should be able
to fall to pieces and
feel nothing but the comfort
of the promise that you’ll stay

Instead, I cower and wonder
what fresh hell
you’ll bring to me next,
packaged up with
a tag that says “love”

Instead, I cower
and wonder
what’s next?

I cower and wish
I could make myself
so small I disappear
so you don’t have the chance
to hurt me anymore

Inspired by the Writer’s Write October prompts | Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano

i’ll never stop missing you

I didn’t want
to wake up today

It’s not that
I wanted to die, but
I just wish I could
skip this day
every year 

I’ll fight every hour
many times over
to stop myself
from imagining
one of the worst
things imaginable 

My grandfather
who I loved more
than I will love
any other man
in my whole life

Died alone
in a hospital
in 2020 when
no one was allowed
to be with him

How could
the greatest man
who ever lived
have such a sad
undignified death?

I hope he knew
how much I loved him
how … Read the rest

self-pity serenade

This is not the club
I ever wanted to belong to.

I have nothing against
childless cat ladies; sometimes
I think they’re the lucky ones
if all they have to be
responsible for in life
is their feline friends.

I never wanted to be
in the single mom club
or the forever a fat girl club
or “the ones with serious daddy issues” club.

I didn’t sign up to be 
stuck living this life 
so afraid I’ll die
from the loneliness,
from the acute and
stinging lack of companionship.

Precious few humans
will be able to die saying
they got … Read the rest

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